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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year my lovelies! I hope you've all had a relaxing week on the run down from Christmas, ready to start the new year fresh!

I also hope you had a great time celebrating New Years Eve with your family and friends, whatever you did! Our tradition in my family is to sit outside with a fire pit and toast marshmallows - then coming in to watch the London firework display on TV and dragging everyone up to Auld Lang Syne....! I love celebrating the New Year with my family and I wouldn't have it any other way - its so special chatting away and laughing with my favourite people!

So, to celebrate the New Year I decided to do a New Year tag and answer a few questions for you! If you decide to answer these questions yourself you can link your blog in the comments or send me a link via twitter (@simplylifemy)

1. Do you have an New Years resolutions?

I try to stay away from these nowadays because as a child I was soooo so bad at sticking to my resolutions! I think I said I would stop biting my nails every year for around 4 or 5 years and yet here they are - still bitten to pieces! However, if I HAD to pick a resolution this year it would 100% be to drink more water! I'm so bad at staying hydrated and I hardly drink any water in a day, I then suffer with headaches in the evening so I MUST MUST drink more water! If you struggle with this too I suggest downloading an App to help remind you to drink water throughout the day there are so many good free ones out there (or you could just set an alarm every 1-2 hours reminding you to fill up your glass with more water) - Lets do it together!!

2. If you could relive one memory from 2015 what would it be?

I would probably have to pick the day when we had a first look at the flat we were thinking about moving into. When we went in and had a look we just knew that we had to have it and it was truly our dream home - we now live there!! It also means that I get to live with my lovely boyfriend who I couldn't bear to live away from for another year!

3. Three words to describe 2015.

STRESS - With moving house and university work getting significantly more difficult this is a no-brainer for me! I also spent pretty much every day of summer working 2 jobs so stress was my middle name...

LOVE - Moving into a flat with my boyfriend has brought us so close together and I swear we've loved eachother more than ever this year! (ew.. cringe!)

BAKING - I don't think I've baked so much in my lifetime as I have in 2015 I just don't know what's gotten in to me (Here's to many more cupcakes and cookies in 2016!!)

4. Something you're looking forward to in 2016?

Other than 'Finding Dory'... (it had to be said!) I think the thing that I'm looking forward to the most is getting through University this year and progressing into my third year where I can really focus in on a topic I actually enjoy! I really really can't wait for this academic year to be over! (Roll on September!)

5. What did 2015 teach you?

It sounds cliche but 2015 truly taught me that the year will pass by you so quickly if you spend most of it sat around doing nothing! Despite being stressed (over nothing most of the time) my anxiety took control and forced me to spend a lot of my time in the house doing nothing which has made this year speed past me in record time! I need to remember in 2016 not to let me anxiety control me and to actually say yes to things like social events and learning opportunities.

6. What is the best book you read in 2015?

The best book I read has to be Girl Online by Zoe Sugg (Zoella), it took me a while to finish (im a slow reader) but I really urge you to read it if you get a chance! Especially if you enjoyed reading Jaquelline Wilson as a child because I feel like it has that sort of vibe to it but with a more grown up twist! It's a great little pick-me-up with a FAB story-line that will make you never want to put it down - trust me!

7. What are you hoping for more of in 2016?

I'm hoping for more time in 2016! Despite doing nothing I feel like I never had enough time to spend doing anything of actual interest! I would love to go on more dates with my boyfriend and spend more days out with my best friend, but I just never seemed to have the time to do it!

8. What was your favoruite beauty brand of 2015?

This of course HAS to be Lush! I've never gotten through more bath products in my life than last year! This was mainly because I moved house this year and had a new freedom of being allowed to have as many baths as I like! (Unfortunately, because I now have to pay the bills...) This does mean however, that I now have an empty Lush collection that desperately needs restocking! Lush's Christmas products were obviously a personal favourite of mine! You can click here to see some of my favourite Lush christmas products that I've used up this year!

Love, Jemma x

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