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The Christmas Tag

As its nearing Christmas and I am feeling SUPER festive (to be honest, I've been feeling festive since Halloween ended, but anyway...) I thought it's about time I did a little Christmas tag!

I've put together 10 christmas-y questions, please feel free to paste them into your own blog! I'd love to see how you answer them!

1. What's your favourite Christmas movie?

This is actually a really tricky one, as I have so many favourites! I love The Snowman, Elf, Home Alone and Love Actually. But the one Christmas movie that I do watch every year during Christmas without fail (and to be honest, sometimes in summer) is The Holiday. Mainly because I love everyone in it! It is such an enjoyable and loveable film and you don't have to love romantic comedies to enjoy it!

2. Do you like to stay in your PJ's or dress up for Christmas?

So, as I have younger siblings I do still get stocking presents and Christmas tree presents (which I LOVE.. and will never grow out of!) And we have a tradition of opening all of our presents straight away on Christmas morning which we're usually way too excited to change out of out PJ's for! So for the morning I normally just stay in some Christmas pyjamas. But we also traditionally have Christmas dinner at our house as so I will dress up for that. I normally wear a Christmas jumper or a festive coloured dress!

3. What is your favourite Christmas smell?

Another tricky one because Christmas really is the best time of year when it comes to smells! (That sounds ridiculous... but its true!!) If I had a top 4 it would have to be Christmas dinner cooking, cinnamon scented candles and juicy oranges! And my top favourite would probably be Christmas pine. Unfortunately, I have only ever had a real Christmas tree once in my life so I don't get to smell this very often! But from what I can remember its rather LUSH!

This is my favourite Christmas scented candle - Spiced Orange from Matalan:

4. What is your favourite Christmas memory?

When me and my older brother we're children my Mum and Step-Dad used to go all out for Christmas. I remember once coming downstairs to a letter from Father Christmas himself, (he had also drank all of his milk and had eaten the biscuit we'd left out for him - of course!) then as we went into the living room, coming out from the fireplace were real snow footprints (that we now know was made from talcum powder!!) that Father Christmas had left!! it was so magical! Now that we are older we get to do all this for our younger brother - which is just as magical!

5. Do you have any Christmas eve traditions?

Me and my Mum have a tradition of Christmas baking on Christmas eve. We spend the ENTIRE day making mince pies, sausage rolls, quiches and cheesecakes ready for a feast on Christmas day! And of course we do all of this whilst listening to all the best Christmas tunes on Smooth Xmas!

Here is us in the process of making sausage rolls last year:

6. What is your favourite Christmas song?

7. What is your favourite Christmas drink?

My favourite Christmas drink would have to be anything warm! I LOVE a good hot chocolate and a Christmas film in the winter to warm me up! But failing that, I'm more than happy with a good cup of coffee! (as I am a bit of a coffeaholic!!)

This is one of my favourite Christmas coffees - The Gingerbread Late from Coffee#1 :

8. What is at the top of your Christmas tree?

In my family home we always (since I can remember) had the same angel that sat at the top of our tree. However, as I have now moved out of my family home and was able to do my own Christmas tree decorating I found a gorgeous star to sit at the top of my tree. The best part is, because its covered in silver it sparkles against the Christmas tree lights!!

This one of the ornaments that lives on my Christmas tree : (for more info on this and other decorations click here)

9. As a child what gift did you always want for Christmas but never recieved?

So as a child (probably like most children) I used to sit down with the Argos catalogue, go through the toy section and write down every single thing that I wanted! One thing that I wrote down every single year was a password journal. It was a secret diary that you had to speak the password into in order to open it! I though it was amazing! The funny thing is, my younger siser actually got it as a present last year!! (not jealous.. honest!)

10. What is the best present you ever recieved?

This is another difficult one to answer because I've recieved so many lovely and thoughtful gifts. But the one present that I will always ALWAYS remember was when I was around 4-5 years old and I got a hamster. I creatively named him Father Christmas and loved him so so much! I will always remember setting up VHS tapes in a maze for him to run through!

So! I hope you enjoyed this Christmas tag, sorry it was such a long post!! If you answer these questions yourself link it in the comments (or message me on twitter @simplylifemy) because I'd love to see how you answer them!

Love, Jemma x

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