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Christmas Eve Traditions

There's only one more sleep till the big day! So get you Christmas pj's on and get an early night ready for Father Christmas!

As I've mentined in earlier posts, every year me and my Mum spend Chrismas eve making food ready for Christmas day! We spend almost the entire day making mice pies, sausage rolls and quiches - all while listening to Christmas songs and drinking Bucks Fizz (dont ask.. haha!) I love the fact that we have this tradition because now that I've moved out we don't get to spend as much time together, so Christmas eve is a way of us bonding and having a good conversation whilst doing something we love! - and of course eating all the food on Christmas day is a HUGE bonus!!

This year, we also made an icecream cake that we will be getting out on boxing day - I REALLY can't wait any longer!!

Anyway, I hope you all have a lovely Christmas (and if you don't celebrate Christmas I hope you have a lovely day!)

Love, Jemma x

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